Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A side dish for shrimp quesadillas, or other dishes for that matter!

Warm spinach, pepper, and onion salad.
I promised you I'd give you a couple pointers for a side dish to serve with your easy shrimp quesadillas, so here it is! I purposefully made the quesadillas without traditional fillings like veggies, onions, or pico de gallo so I could focus the side dishes on these items instead. That way, you and your potential dinner guests can truly use them on the side, or you have the option of putting them inside your quesadilla for more flavor in every bite.

First, a spinach salad that comines fresh spinach with more traditional sides for Mexican dishes like peppers and onions. This dish is easy and quick like the quesadillas, so this entire meal can be ready in about 25 minutes.

I sliced up green, red, and yellow peppers and a red onion and put them in a large sautee pan and drizzled it with olive oil, letting it simmer for about 6 or 7 minutes, until everything was getting a little brown. I then added a bunch of spinach and a bit more olive oil. (You need a lot of spinach to make it a big presence in a side dish, as sauteeing it wilts it down significantly.) I added garlic salt and a little cayenne to add some kick, and let it simmer all together, mixing every now and again until it reached the right level of brown.

If the salad finishes cooking before your quesadillas, cover it until they're done so that you can serve a warm, filling, and flavorful salad: perfect for this transition time between winter and spring! And if you have leftovers, mix them into eggs for a fantastic scramble in the a.m.  Twice is just as nice.

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